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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  January 4, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST

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from the tower cam we will see a little bit of sunshine. we sure need it. it is cold out there, wednesday, january 4th, good morning i am steve chenevey. >> i am alison seymour. that could weather is effecting students out there, we want to pass along school closings, delays virginia, winchester city schools are closed today, clark county schools delayed two hours, maryland, allegheny, garrett down till county schools delayed. the cold temperatures, are what we are talking about how cold is it? will it warm up? tony. >> good morning to both of you good morning everybody it will quote unquote warm up later today. it will be a cold day temperatures right now in the teens, current temperature here in washington 18 degrees, the coldst air we've had so far
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this season, 14 baltimore, dulles airport, 15 degrees, gaithersburg 10 degrees quantico, it is 19 degrees, across the board just very cold air in place, and when you factor in winds which are not that strong to be honest, our wind chills, even more, it feels like 10 degrees here in washington feels like 8 degrees baltimore, 14 manassas, and 10 annapolis, rough start to the day. good amount of sunshine early more clouds will build in later. not as breezy as yesterday. another cold day our highs in the mid-30s, it will be less breezy so it will feel better than it did yesterday. more details on all of that. coming up in a bit right now a check on traffic we go to julie wright for that. we have that crash along the bw parkway in place for a half hour, it is gone. lanes are now open, crews in sky fox, checking out the
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alternative route. you are going to find route 50, bumper to bumper, wall to wall traffic hardly moving, as you make your way from 410 past 202 over to new york avenue. bw parkway, as we take it back inside lanes are open average speed headed south, down to 14 miles an hour powder mill road headed south towards the belt way. result of the iowa caucuses are in this morning it is a victory for mitt romney with rick santorum a close runner up talk about a narrow margin, more than 120 republicans in hawk eye state caucus only 8 votes separate the top two candidates, jennifer davis joins us live from des moines with more. you talk about a slim margin. good morning alison yes. you know it is a slim margin when you can count it on two hands, this was a true nail
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biter, mitt romney, rick santorum were running neck and neck all morning long early this morning, romney won by just 8 votes. >> while thanking supporters, mitt romney gave credit to the runner up. >> congratulations to rick santorum. when he quickly set his sights on president obama. >> we are working together because of our passion for this country and the president may be a nice guy but just is over his head. >> rick santorum suggests his rice to the top is the result of his agenda. >> what wins in america are bold ideas, sharp contrast, a plan that includes everyone. this momentum is going to continue and this movement is going to continue, we are going to keep scoring just as we have tonight. >> one time front runner, rick perry finished fifth the low placement is causing him to
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take a hard look at his bid. with voters decision tonight in iowa, i have decided to return to texas, assess the results of tonight's caucus, determine whether there is a path forward for myself in this race. >> voters put newt gingrich at 4th michelle balk men near last, beating out hunts man who never campaigned in the state. >> the contest moves to new hampshire where romney is favoured but given the strong showings last night from santorum and paul anything at this point is possible. jennifer davis, fox news. >> thank you so much. as jenny said mitt romney is heavily favoured to take new hampshire tuesday but the south carolina primary, january 21st is a tougher test the first contest in the south and in a state that is part of the republican political debate. romney will pick up a major endorsement from mccain today.
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president barack obama is trying to make sure the race for the republican nomination doesn't get all the spotlight, last night he reached out to democrats in iowa, in a video conference. the problems that we have been dealing with over the last three years didn't hanover night we are not going -- happen, overnight and we are not going to fix them overnight. >> president obama won the iowa caucuses when he was a democratic presidential candidate four years ago today he will head to cleveland in an appeal to middle class voters. another big story we are following, it appears dc councilmember harry thomas missed his deadline to make a payment of $50,000, part of the deal to repay the city $300,000 he spent on an suv and expensive trips and meals what is next? after this latest development
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of his ethics controversy. joining us inside wtop political analyst, mark. >> happy new year steve. >> let's focus on the local dealings here. with harry thomas is a deal in place? >> i don't know if a deal is in place but i know from people who do know that there are plea negotiations going on and part of the plea negotiations are tolessen any particular charge is that he resign his office in ward 5 if he should do that, the office would be vacant, and there would have to be a special election within 114 days, it is one election there are no primaries anybody could run an overwhelmingly democratic jurisdiction you will see a plethora, i just like saying that word, plethora of candidate who is h run for that spot. we -- rumors have been out there this could happen today we talked with him last night a little after 11:00 p.m.
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he stressed he was not going to resign the day when might this happen? >> i heard within the next 10 days that is from a source, who should know, if it doesn't thatprobably means his lawyers are trying to negotiate a better deal. the attorney general said he wanted to criminally charge harry thomas he felt the evidence was there. he was not empowered by statute to do that it has now gone to the u.s. attorney. seems thomas' charges of the alleged behaviour and then offed to pay this which he is now late in many people's minds is an admission of guilt thomas is the most vulnerable compared to kwame brown and the mayor. >> talking $300,000 payments, $50,000 every six months we mentioned he missed that payment, depending what happens with this plea arrangement what happens with that money? will it be paid back?
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>> the attorney general said they are not going to sit idly by if he continues to miss a payment. how is that translated? they will put a lien on his property, on his home, and to add even more troubles to his life, a federal magistrate order was unsealed he has to pay 4 $496 a month for a student loan. to quote a yiddish turn there is a whole lot of trouble that he has, one after another and every sort of realm of his person life. >> trouble with council itself you mentioned kwame brown this whole deal was put into this whole ethics reform sticking with that within the last month look into your crystal ball for 2012. i see kwame brown, the next person going to face serious
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scrutiny, and both he and the mayor, really and for the future of the city, need for the u.s. attorney to say, either we are going to endiet you or we are not going to endiet you and move on, but you are going to see a lot of candidates in april running, as reform candidates that have pristine backgrounds. >> that is without a doubt. always a pleasure. wtop political analyst. alison. thanks steve thanks mark new this morning a 76-year-old man from prince georges county is missing, police say this man, john holiday hawkens, the man you see here was last seen yesterday evening driving from his home in temple hill he was apparently taking a family member to the nailer road metro station he was driving a 2005
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green chrysler 300 with maryland tags number a 056455. hawkens suffers from diabetes and dementia and is in need of his medication. the robber who held up a cvs apparently wanted drugs not cash this is the suspect misare calling the bandage bandit his arm is in a sling and a bandage around his head christmas eve he handed employees a note ordering them to give him drugs they complied and he took off. still ahead we talk about district leaders and some of the work we are doing now the push is on the make the city the nations 51st state. good news for travelers expect fewer surprise when you book your next airline ticket thanks to new rules. plus the hokeys dominate the sugar bowl but big mistakes down the line prove costly to their qwest to beat michigan.
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pgh >> as we take to break a live lookout side, weather and traffic from tony and julie. 10 minutes after 7
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life opens up when you do.
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making headlines we start over seas in iraq a series of bomb attacks, targeted homes of iraqi police officers, killing two children. iraqi officials warned of an increase in violence following the u.s. troop withdrawal last month. police in new york city, say a man confessed to torching fivebuildings including a
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mosque a temple. he faces several charges including a hate crime and soar son. -- arson. >> in sports it was a heart breaker fehr virginia tech in the sugar bowl the game changer was a play in which logan thompson tossed a pass into the end sewn for coal. ruled a touchdown but after officials reviewed they over turned the call then it came gown to kicks, virginia tech, no good for 37-yards, michigan was good, wolverines the win first time the two teens played each other. >> i call re-- teams mayed each other. >> i call rematch. >> let's get the hokeys back. >> what is going on tony besides this bitter cold. >> yes, it is. >> i walked out this morning and didn't realize how cold it was feels colder than yesterday. dot in the car like 16 degrees. >> ridiculous out there. temps in the teens across the area in some cases our win
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chills are in single digits to 10 degrees, rough start to the day it will be another cold day today as you get the kids ready for school, here is your bus stop forecast the kids, you got to dress them up, bundle them up, dress them warmly as temperatures actual air temperatures between 10 and 18 degrees now we will have sunshine, that we should have sunshine now, sunrise officially at 7:27 a.m. but a very cold start to the day. temperatures around the country we are not the only ones, 21 raleigh, 11 boston, 10 rochester, out to the west, 20s. this is unusual for us we are the coldest spot in the country in the mid-atlantic and northeast, the coldest section of the country minneapolis, 25 degrees they are laughing at us, 18 is cold. meanwhile miami chilly 43 degrees and san francisco 44 degrees here is a look at the national map look how quiet it
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is across much of the country not much happening we ran the piece earlier about the lack of snow that really continues to be the case for this winter across the nation, just quiet conditions. here is your forecast today and the next five days high today, 34 degrees still cold not quite as breezy, tonight it will be not as cold but winds pick up again a little bit and we could see snow flurries overnight they will be surprised when you drive in tomorrow morning there is a flurry or two. tomorrow 45 your high milder at the end of the week temps 50s fridays and saturday. >> 50s looking nice. are the kids dressed up like the kids from christmas story this morning. >> i had to buy a new coat for one of them i realized our coats were inferior chef >> i had to sleep in my coat that is just how it is. well, we had some problems on the parkway this morning now the crew in sky fox above the
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crash, inbound 50, after 295 as you commit to new york avenue headed out towards south dakota avenue that is where you will find this wreck involving the truck and another vehicle. for awhile there was only one lane getting by traffic is squeezing by to the right side of the incident this is keeping you guys on the break first of all the bw parkway, because of the earlier wreck in river dale, 50 is grid locked headed in to northeast washington. now we've got this accident in place again, it is going to be bumper to bumper slow coming inbound through river dale and chevrolet on 50 and the parkway trying to work your way into northeast washington. back inside we will update the ride on the outer loop headed towards georgia avenue, lanes open, southbound 95, headed down towards the belt way no problems on the inner loop lanes are open but slows, bradock towards 66, congested as you make your way from
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manassas towards centerville and slow traffic, 50, fair oaks, towards vienna and back out towards the belt way. thanks julie. nations capital but of course not a state and people washington dc have long been ready for that to change today mayor grey along with several down till will detail their upcoming trip to new hampshire where they will plead their case that the we should be the 51st state. congress woman eleanor holmes norton will join us live in our next hour. every been lured into buying a cheap airline ticket and find out you are getting hammered with extra taxes and fees. >> later this month airlines and travel sites will be ordered to advertise full price of tickets upfront. brandon todd has more.
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luggage, taxes. >> reporter: fee after fee, add on after add on don't forget the surcharge. >> your fair is x amount bottom line it is that plus $50. >> reporter: flying public lead by kate hanny of flyers convinced congress there needs to be truth in tickets. >> all prices have to show up at the front end of your purchase not later when you hit the purchase button. >> reporter: as of the 26th all airlines will have to disclose not just airfare but any non- optional fees, non-optional taxes fuel surcharges and 9/11 security fees, in short, catchy low fares with the asterisk next to them and fine print you can't read will have more explaining to do. >> it is important to communicate what total fees are so you know what to expect, when you are paying for your airfare. >> reporter: even though you
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can choose not to bring a suitcase. >> they have to include baggage fees. >> no surprises. >> reporter: another important new rule. >> if you buy another nonrefundable ticket you can hold theresser vision for 24 hours without paying for it. now several airlines are suing trying to stop those rules from taking effect. spirit airlines, alean gent, have all -- allegant have asked to block it. >> health officials, descending on occupy camps. >> more trouble for best buy why the electronic giant is on the bank of bankruptcy. >> musical a lot of folks will enjoy hair spray, annie yu standing by with a star of the show who will perform for us later 
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local health officials are expected to return to occupy dc camp mcpherson square investigating complaints about an increase of rats in the area they were at the site yesterday yesterday and will do a thorough inspection of the camp's kitchen tomorrow. mayor grey will be sent a report on conditions by friday. >> popular store best buy has become less popular in recent years thanks to online buying and other competition the future looks so dim forbes, only a few years ago named best buy their company of the year is predicting bankruptcy some time in the next couple years, thomas business professor, david banks says best buy has become slow to react describing it as the titanic. >> turning the titanic if you will, takes decisions months ago to have their effect now. so i think they are in the
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middle of their course correction it didn't happen in time for the christmas season. >> best buy says their strategy is aggressively drive revenue, market share through promotion expanding online and ensuring competitive price. >> speaking of prices, a cup of coffee at starbucks will cost you extra. the price of a tall drink will go up 10¢ the next size up won't change the reason for the hike competition and higher cost for coffee and fuel. 7:26 a.m. on wednesday morning, results are in for iowa, mitt romney barely edging out the competition, so what does the victory in iowa mean for his chances in new hampshire and beyond. jim and peter, break it down. first a look at the my fox half off deal of the day, don't we all need this after the holidays, just relax a little bit skin beauty lounge dc
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offering its skin classic facial for just $52 a $105 value, includes a purifying clean, exfoliation, light extraction and refreshing mask to take advantage head to look for the link to my fox half off on the right side of the page and appear to relax. we will be right back we believe keeping kids healthy can start with healthy hands. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system healthy hands can be automatic. for healthy tips and more, visit
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some people may complain about the cold some people may love the cold. skiiers, snow boarders, guns blazing across the line in pennsylvania the resort has been making snow since thursday the mountain was able to open friday, that is unfortunately for the resort three weeks later than normal because we haven't had the snow. hasn't been enough humidity to make the snow and temperatures haven't been cold enough the mild winter had an effect on ski resorts, in california and colorado to new england the only places that are doing well are in the southwest. i think i saw woulder snow boarding. >> would you be surprised if he did that before his evening
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duty. >> he does that. >> wow so exhausting i don't know how people do it. the beach and skiing. i would rather find a fireplace and chill by. what does that say about us. >> we can't relate because of the hours we work it is a whole different mind set. >> we get to do the work first. >> then be too tired. go home and find a fireplace and fall asleep. >> let's take a lookout there, cold start to the day that is your weather headline very very cold temperatures in the teens across most of the area, 18 degrees right now here in the district, annapolis, 19, leonard town, 18, dulles airport, 15 degrees, winchester dropped down to 9 degrees now, so it is just bitterly cold across the region and you factor in the wind, which are blowing in 8, 9, 10 miles an hour this is what it gives you for wind chills feels like 10 degrees washington feels like 8
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baltimore, 8 frederick and 12 quantico, 18 frederiksburg bundle up it is the coldst air we have had so far this season. >> let's look at the satellite radar composite we have some pretty nice skies out there, early this morning good amount of sunshine all around us there are clouds up to the north while out to the west and south as well i do think that for the morning hours we will have a good amount of sunshine later on we will get cloud cover building in here by this afternoon probably mostly cloudy skies. there is no precipitation we had streamers coming down from the great lakes yesterday, that is not happening today. your forecast today, mix of clouds and sun another cold one not as breezy as yesterday, it will feel better, 34 degrees for your high, which was our high yesterday, that is well below normal then tonight, mostly cloudy, becoming mostly cloudy, a few flurries powerful night time, during overnight
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hours winds picked up, overnight low 29 degrees, forecast tomorrow into the mid- 40s friday mid-50. low to mid-50s. mid-50s saturday sunday cooler temperatures move in again chance of shower activity that is the latest on what is happening with the weather now to julie wright to find out more about the drive into work. all right tony it has not been easy, we had major problems on the bw parkway earlier in river dale, troubles inbound, route 50, as you commit to new york avenue and continue out towards dakota avenue. live over the scene of this crash inbound route 50 on your way to south dakota avenue, traffic getting by to the right here over to the left side of your screen fire trucks on the scene responding, blocking the left lane, really your heart ache is going to be coming inbound, prince georges hospital, route 50, and bw parkway headed down northeast washington not an easy alternative route, route 1 you will feel the heat as you
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travel out, 50 and the bw parkway, grid locked towards the accident scene. taking it back inside let me update what is going on, metro rail. you can expect delays on the blue and yellow line, single tracking we had reports because of the cold temperatures, some tracks have cracked you will find they are single tracking between pentagon center, pentagon station rather and arlington cemetery that is where we are finding the single tracking it is effecting your commute on the blue and yellow line. more on the big story of the morning the razor thin margin of victory for mitt romney in iowa caucuses beat, late surging rick santorum by just 8 votes you see numbers on the screen the closest mar sin ever in a presidential primary or caucus. romney won but hardly a mandate for the republican nomination. new hampshire, south carolina,
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florida let's talk about it with our friends, peter and jim. happy new year guys. >> happy new year steve. >> you guy haves matching ties does that mean we are going to get along today >> chef we may agree on the politics a little bit for sure. >> the focus is what happened in iowa. sonsantorum come aross the winner. >> you -- across the winner. >> you come in second you win. this shows how many people do not want mitt romney right now the other person, is newt gingrich he came in fourth, but he is going to be in these debates, saturday and sunday he is mad as all get out, against romney, saying romney torpedoed him i think he is going to go after romney, big time. >> jim what is your take. >> you know i think peter is
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right, santorum, you can see surging last week, quite frankly earlier in the evening last night i was thinking maybe santorum was going to pull an upset but he won 8 votes doesn't matter it is a virtual tie for first place he won romney's numbers are less than he had four years ago but goes into new hampshire where he plays well but, peter is great. newt is unhappy and you know, he is like a rapid dog, rabid dog. anything can happen. >> romney is heavily favoured in new hampshire if santorum does not have a strong showing there, does that hurt him right away or get a little more staying power. he has to do well doesn't have to win new hampshire if he finishes second or close third that helps an awful lot, santorum's problem is that he is drinking water from a fire hose because he doesn't know
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the infrastructure doesn't have the money, new hampshire is next week so 8 days to do anything well, so you know, you could argue maybe he doesn't go to new hampshire he might have been smarter to go the south carolina with the win last night he almost has to play in new hampshire, manchester union leader the statewide paper that has an awful lot of influence there there will really play -- in there will really play a role they endorsed newt gingrich early in the process. they are going to pound mitt romney. we really exploded the can here. i think jim is right, in this iowa situation, lady gaga couldn't have given romney a race here. the fact is, three quarters of the voters of iowa did not want this guy his problem going into new hampshire his numbers have been so huge in new hampshire even if that gap is narrowed
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adds jim says it will be -- as jim says it will be tough for him. santorum, won this thing without any tv ads, he had as jim said no money he will have money now but it will take awhile for it to percolate and south carolina may be the place where this stuff starts to relate. >> if the battle for president was decided by twitter followers, lady gaga would be elected and in the white house no doubt about it. from the democrat side democrats have to love the fact that another republican is getting the headlines as we continue to share this among so many people. >> the other thing that happened, if you break down the votes, romney did very badly, compared to four years ago, in independence these folks are not buying into this. this was a reluctant vote, folks are casting i think in other words oh, well, romney may be the best candidate against obama we really dislike obama there is no enthusiasm
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for romney and i think the longer this goes on, to be honest the better it is for obama, look, the money is drained the negative ads, they were really tough and most negative ats on romney, sat in the can, four years ago. four years ago he got hammered in iowa. he is going to get hammered in new hampshire, south carolina, florida and on he may be able to as jim says, ultimately, make it to the finish line with this thing but it will get ugly. >> jim let me ask you we talked about who is rising who is falling michelle bachmann did not do well and your guy rick perry did not do well. >> he wanted to go home. the expectations were, we could get the fourth which i think is what we were looking for it just didn't happen huge crowds all last week. he is disappointed he is going to go home and reassess and kind of take it from there. >> will we hear anything before
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new hampshire? >> i don't think so i don't know to be quite honest with you i think what you are going to hear though is going back the peters point is that if you find some body -- if conservatives coalesce, romney could lose his nomination. are people going to reassess and say look one guy against romney and i think that is barack obama -- the president's real nightmare if romney gets dusted, and is not the nominee and it is a true conservative, that energizes the party, then i -- i am sure the primary would be detrimental to the president >> i am not sure it will be a short primary. but in any case this is a weak field that is the problem republicans have right now every time they have the flavour of the month, folks say well, santorum is flavour of the month but he hasn't been vetted what about all his supports for ear marks his loss
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by 17 points to senator casey in the last election gee what ability -- we really haven't looked at him that carefully, so it is back and forth. i think that's right. >> i can't wait to talk after new hampshire we will see what happens there as we move forward the next chapter. thanks always a pleasure. take a short break 7:41 a.m., more fox 5 morning news coming up after this do you know what you're really getting. check out carmax. all their used cars are guaranteed. that's where henderson found the one for him. way to go, henderson. finding the perfect car is easy at carmax because each car is carefully selected, inspected, thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a five-day money back guarantee so come find the one for you today, at carmax. way to go, neil. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer,
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britain is dealing with a murder mystery the body of a young woman was discovered at the estate where the queen and her family celebrated the new year this area covers an area larger than manhattan, they believe the body had been there at least a month it is not clear whether the woman was killed at the scene or taken this after her death. >> los angeles woman not happy with her civic hybrid is suing honda, she wants the auto maker to pay for not delivering the 50 miles per gallon it promised she has taken it to small
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claims court instead of joins other owners in a class action lawsuit it is an unusual move that could offer a bigger pay out, if it doesn't backfire other cases could get as much as $10,000. >> kim kardashian is the poster child for tax battle in california. proponents say she is the kind of millionaire who should pay more an online video ad from courage campaign flashes images of kardashian enjoying the good life says she made $12 million in 2010 paid just 1 pr ken tang point, -- percentage point more than someone making $47,000 >> i think her publicist probably created that ad. >> i make $47,000 kim what about you? >> that is funny. >> we got the january 4th, in
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there. >> it was your hope. >> made it a couple days. >> let's start over. okay. take a look what is going on, temperatures, across the region it is cold temps in the teens or lower, sorry hey, that's my fault we are not ready with the graphics because i left them i was reviewing them and didn't reset them. >> okay can tucker reset. >> he is right now. all right. right now 18 degrees here in washington dc, across most of the region we are in the teens currently annapolis, 19 degrees, 14 baltimore, 12 gaithersburg 14 manassas. all right we will pull this out there you go. 13 new york city, 1 degree. pittsburgh, 11 degrees, baekly west virginia is 14. your surface map today, cold air, warm front will come through that will change things for the latter part of the week as we will see temperatures
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friday and saturday ready for this, 50s. we got to get through -- >> i like it. >> yeah showers could arrive sunday right now a 30% chance of that five day forecast, high 34 degrees not as windy tomorrow 45, as i said friday and saturday, 50s then sunday, back down to 48 degrees, a few showers that is the latest more coming up in a little bit. all right let's check with julie. all right you guys, bumper to bumper slow right now route 50 and the baltimore washington parkway delays on the parkway are now stacking up out of laurel as you pass southbound, past laurel mill road and on route 50, buoy, 197 headed out toward the accident scene in bound route 50. problems on metro's blue and yellow line, because of temperatures, freezing temperatures we were told some tracks have cracked therefore they were single tracking on metro's blue and yellow lines
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anticipate delays there as well. no incidents to report on the other side of town the belt way heavy and slow bradock road between 66 travelling inbound, 66 still congested out of centerville can he lays 60, headed out -- delays 60, headed out towards the 150. we are headed to broadway. >> annie behind the scenes of a hit musical comedy playing out in arlington hi annie. >> hi steve and alison as you may know hair spray is the story of a teenage girl who just wants to dance it is inspiring we are learning more about the story line after the break from the star herself, miss carolyn is in the house everybody stay with us on fox 5 morning news ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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>> let's say good morning to
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today's facebook fan of the day from culpepper virginia she is one of our biggest fans we appreciate that, hope you are having a great day. if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day search fox 5 morning news, and post a comment under the lovely lakesha's photo. let's head to broadway back to 196 on the set of the award winning musical hair spray. >> reporter: annie yu is getting a behind the scenes look at the production. good morning. >> reporter: good morning alison and steve. yes, hair spray is one of those shows that you have to go out and see once you see it you will want to see it over and over again joining me now is the star of the show miss caroline who plays tracy, who an honor she had a late show last night and she is back with us again. tell us about the story line for those who are not familiar. >> hair spray takes place in baltimore in the 60s based on
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the buddy dean show the teenage dance show that was you know, trying to be segregated, and actually based on actual events in baltimore here but you have that end of the story and then the story of the girl tracy who just wants to dance wants to get the guy integrate, wants to do it all and you put it all into one big package and makes a great sorry. >> you do an amazing performance your singing seems so effortless how do you prepare there is so much dancing involved tell us about the singing and dancing here. the dancing is a lot of fun based on you know, your typical 60s moves, i was not a dancers and before the show. [ laughter ] >> but tracy's passion is dancing it had to happen and the music is just, fun, and you have -- i know where i have
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been which is a heart wrenching song and it is all over the board. >> reporter: a great great show you are going to perform for us which is a special treat set this up for us. this is the morning in baltimore, opens the show, tracy getting ready for school, start of a brand new day. >> reporter: take it away for us. ♪ [ music ] ♪ today, feeling the way i always do, hungry for something that i can't eat when i hear the beat, the reason it's pulling me down it's like a message from high above, pulling me out to the smiles and the streets that i love
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good morning baltimore, every day's like an open door, every night is a fantasy, every song's like a symphony, good morning baltimore, and some day when i take to the floor, the world's going to wake up and see baltimore and me ♪ [ music ] ♪ look at my hair, what do can compare with mine today, oh, i've got my hair spr... ♪ >> you've got to come out and experience this live, tickets start at $30 the show is getting rave reviews you will be dancing all the way home i promise you. come out and see this spectacular show back to you in studio. >> how much fun is that.
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annie thank you so much. >> she is great. >> coming up next hour we will check with annie also dc congress woman, eleanor, holmes norton joins us live. at the top of the hour, a closer look at what the iowa caucus results mean for candidates as they zero in on new hampshire. we will be joined by a friend of the show, and fox 5 political analyst, we will be right back pnp
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>> just eight votes is what separated rick santorum and the winner of the iowa caucuses, mitt romney hear from both of them ahead this hour. then a local politician coming under fire, it appears, dc councilman harry thomas junior is not making good on paying back money he is accused of taking from a city account. >> with the new year a lot of people are promising to lose weight there is a list out of the best diets, we will take a
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look. >> they have been promising since 1984 on that video. let's get physical. >> it is retro. before we get the weather and traffic we have school closings, virginia, frederick county, winchester city school, are closed today clark county schools delayed 2 hours, in maryland, allegheny, garrett county schools on a 2 hour delay, west virginia, grant, afternoon shire, hardy, mineral county schools delayed two hours. >> not into the whole olivia newton john thing. xanadu was one of my all time favorite sound tracks. >> i love it. >> probably not currently in the ipod. >> i love it. all right. >> he loves it. >> let's look at what is going on out there, with weather conditions around the region. >> i just don't want everyone to know. 18 degrees washington, 15
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dulles airport, 14 baltimore, naval air station, 14 degrees win chester, 10 degrees it is brutally cold out there, at least the winds have diminished still wind chills are 10 degrees in town tough start to the day here is a look at radar one good thing we don't have anything going on as far as precipitation goes, yesterday we had snow flurries, we do not have that this morning, we could see that tonight and overnight possibility of a few snow flurries blowing around not so much today your day planner looks like this, good amount of sunshine in the morning more clouds in the afternoon, we are looking for a high temperature today of 33 degrees, 34 degrees in town. we will have more on the forecast coming up in a couple moments. >> cold cold and cold. >> yes, that's right. >> thanks tony. >> let's check with julie wright. >> i like it when it is warm, hot and hotter. >> i am getting on your band wagon sister.
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>> thank you. on the roads this morning let's start off with metro rail we have reports we had some cracked tracks if you will because of temperatures effecting your commute along the blue and yellow line now the red line is single tracking, single tracking on the red line as well anticipate slower than usual commutes on metro's red, yell hoe, and blue lines -- yellow and blue lines, georgia avenue is open for business. but we have reports of accident activity on dennis, west of georgia, possibly involving a pedestrian watch out for more fire and rest cue responding. travelling eastbound 66, no trouble spots continues from fair oaks it is loosening up a bit as you continue to make your trip through vienna, belt way winter loop, before speed. outer loop continuously slow, 94 to georgia avenue and we have big delays out at buoy, route 50 headed down to
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northeast washington accident activity, still there along the west side that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. a little more for commuters thank you julie, georgia avenue closed between aspen and injury rain yum streets northwest because of a fire nothing too serious, it was a vacant building but again georgia avenue is closed between aspen and geranium street southwest. if you think your vote does not count tell that to the rick santorum campaign. just 8 votes separated santorum and romney. >> reporter: win place and show in iowa, were romney, santorum and ron paul. romney's victory was by the slimmest of margins every single caucus goer in iowa can wake up and say their vote counted. >> with 1770 precincts reporting, governor mitt romney
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received 30,015 votes, senator rick santorum received 30,007 votes. romney wins by 8 votes even though they both got 25% of the overall total. >> congratulations to rick santorum this was a great victory for him he has worked hard in iowa. we also feel it has been a great victory for us. >> after santorum's surprise second place finish his advisors say this is now a two person race for the nomination, santorum beat romney. >> game on. >> reporter: santorum will spend 6 of the next 7 days in new hampshire going after romney, ahead of their first in the nation primary. >> with your help, and god's grace we will have another fun night a week from now. god bless. >> reporter: third place went to ron paul. >> there is nothing to be ashamed of everything to be satisfied and raring to move on. >> reporter: newt gingrich
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three weeks ago a front runner came in fourth, rick perry came in fifth he had plans for the third contest, south carolina, but came in fifth last night. >> >> i have decided to return to texas assess results of tonight's caucus, determine whether there is a path forward, for myself in this race,. >> bachmann finished even lower, sixth but says her campaign will go on. >> i believe i am the true conservative who can and will defeat barack obama. >> new hampshire's first in the nation primary is january 10th, next tuesday romney has 43%, santorum last night's big surprise has only 5 according to a recent tracking poll in washington pewter do see, fox news. joining us now, american university professor, fox 5 political analyst happy new year. >> happy new year. >> good to see you. i love what you said we will soon be reading the political
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obituaries of some of these faces what are some headlines to come out of the caucuses. >> the second or third tier headline michelle bachmann's campaign is pretty much over, rick perry's is on life support if it is going to exist at all the real headline is that this nomination is mitt romney's to lose. here he came in first by a razor thin margin but still came in first his competition is weak, rick santorum, ron paul even newt gingrich who has been wounded they don't have the staying power to go against a well funded well organized candidate like romney but he has to look at yellow lights in the pros is he still could only top out -- process he still could only top out 25% of the vote. after pouring this money into it, being a well organized candidate, saying he is most electable, 25% is not a resounding victory i think for him it is his to lose he better find a way to make that appeal to voters stronger.
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what happens in new hampshire, south carolina does that momentum keep going. >> south carolina will be his big one, this is where newt gingrich said that is his fire walnut gingrich has taken this personally he does not like all those attacks by romney's super pack. he is going to go after mitt romney, potentially weaken him it may not happen in new hampshire, south carolina might be the place and that is important for romney that reflects the base of the republican party if he can't get a lot of people going his way in south carolina that might be a sign that base is not supportive of him. >> one more romney question, much was made about his religion, people not perhaps understanding what it is to be mormon is that all behind us now? is this an indication of that? >> i don't thing it is completely behind us particularly amongst some of the republican base,
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evangelical christian base there are concerns if i was mitt romney's campaign i would have him talk about his face the amount of time he has given to his church and use that as a teachable moment to explain who he is what his religion is and he himself is a christian man. that is what i would do if i were romney's campaign wanting to appeal the debate it is still an issue but manageable. >> rick santorum, given him a run for his money what happens to his campaign. does he have the steam to go a couple more contests in. or all the way. >> certainly he has the steam and visibility he is the big story coming out of iowa, you know, no one expected him to be around at this point here he is finishes within 8 votes of mitt romney he has a good story and narrative and appeals to one part of the republican base which is evangelical christians, the christian right that is a strong base for him and with bachmann falling off
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and perry falling off, he is the one to inherit the people supporting them whether he has the organization, the money whether his base can expand beyond that those are really good questions i wouldn't put high odds on him but he is still around. >> rick perry we saw him say i am going to take a step back what is the process, do they come out and say like herman cain said i am suspending -- what should we expect to see. >> even if michelle bachmann sticks around she spent all this time in iowa, neighboring state she was born there and could only get a minuscule percent of the votes she won't be taken as a serious candidate unless she wants to continue participating in the debates with the idea maybe she will say something that will catch on fire i don't see what happening. professor, friend of the show, good to see you. >> okay. 9 minutes past the hour the deadline came and went for dc
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councilmember harry thomas to pay the second installment of $50,000 to the city it is part of a deal to repay money he allegedly took from a city fun there are negotiations under way that would call for him to resign. stacy cohen with more. >> reporter: they searched his home as part of a criminal probe into allegations they claim he took money supposed to be used for a youth sports charity and used it to buy himself a luxury suv, fancy trips thomas has not admitted wrong doing but did agree the pay back the $300,000 in question. but he missed this second $50,000 installment, that was due december 31st. political analyst, mark says thomas may be searching for another way to settle the matter. >> i definitely know, from people who do know, that there are plea negotiations going on,
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and part of the plea negotiations are tolessen any particular charge, is that he resign his office, in ward 5 if he should do that, the office would be vacant, and there would have to be a special election within 114 days. it should be noted harry thomas has not made any public announcements about resigning several council members have urged him to step down. alison, steve. stacy thank you so much. >> time now 8:11 a.m. on this wednesday morning, it is wednesday isn't it? >> it is. >> all right wednesday. coming up, dc delegate, eleanor holmes is norton will join us, we will talk to her. we will find out about the weather coming up @@@@@úhd@h
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we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united.
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(woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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8:14 a.m. it is a murder mystery out of britain a body found on queen elizabeth's estate on new years day police are treating this as a murder they believe the body has been on the property for at least a month dna from the autopsy is expected today. this area though you need to understand is larger than manhattan and parts of the estate are open to the public. taking a good look here prince georges county police are asking for the public's help finding this man 76-year- old john holiday, pocket he was last seen yesterday evening, driving his green chrysler 300 from his home on 26th avenue temple hill. he was taking a family member to the nailor road metro station but has not been heard from or seen since his car has maryland license plates. montgomery county police are hoping you can help them
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catch the so called bandage ban did he robbed a cvs pharmacy christmas eve in montgomery village they don't know if he is hurt or that is a disguise they can't say what drugs he stole for fear of veep dieing this investigation. -- jeopardizing this investigation. >> boy do we need a warm up. >> tony good morning. >> i've got it for you both time for my first 5 photo of the day, let's check him out this isah. >> is that an iphone. >> looks like it. >> some body got a present for christmas. >> they are getting younger and younger. >> another baby having fun opening christmas presents. >> can you just look at the face for a second. adorable. >> so cute. it didn't say how old he is but he is adorable and also, like a lot of the kids we have shown,
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enjoyed unwrapping the gifts. >> he is sitting pretty good i would say he is about 7 months old? if you want to send us your child's picture go to click on mornings. >> let's look at temperatures out there, 19 degrees now here in dc but it is still quite cold in the mid-atlantic and northeast, 11 boston, 17 buffalo new york we will take a look across the country, much of the country is cold, coldest spot really is in the northeast, and the mid- atlantic, 18 -- look at that, 1 degree warmer than international falls, 18 there, 19 here. that is not a good place to be. dallas 40 degrees denver 26 here is a look at the national map as far as radar goes quiet conditions now looks like popping up in illinois, precipitation, pushing into indiana. that is it the rest of the
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country is quiet, forecast today and rest of the 5 days, look for a high 34 degrees not as breezy, snow flurries should hold off until tonight i think overnight lows, not quite as cold as last night tomorrow 45 degrees friday and saturday, you will enjoy those days 50s for your highs back into the 40s on sunday with a chance of rain showers. that is a look at weather coming up in a few moments, tucker barnes will be here with the latest forecast, right now we've got julie wright. question for you since it is so cold here would you like to head to miami? >> what is the temperature in miami? >> 42 degrees with wind chill of 39. >> in miami? >> in miami. >> that ain't right. that model, that computer model is wrong. what about san diego? we will go the san diego. >> i will look at that one for you. >> all right tony on the roads a doozy of a morning inbound 50, struggling to get in out of
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buoy, i just spoke with nicole she is telling me they are on the scene of crash, stay to the right to get by. the parkway is grid locked delays out of laurel headed into northeast. georgia avenue lanes are open travelling north and southbound, we had the accident activity west of georgia, police officers on is scene, this crash involving a pedestrian that was struck also find lanes open, top side of the belt way, travelling between college park bethesda, over the potomac, headed over to the southeast, southwest freeway that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. new details this morning about a series of arson attacks in new york the suspect is charged with a hate crime. police say he confessed to a new years day fire bombing as an islamic center other attacks were aimed at a convenience store and three houses where the man said he had conflict.
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the bombs were made out of empty starbucks frappuccino bottles. the suspect's mother is behind bars, facing a dozen fraud charges in her native germany. >> reporter: officials say the fires began after his mother was taken into custody in the u.s. on fraud charges she committed in her native germany. angry over his mothers legal troubles investigators believe that is when burkehardt when on a arson attack rage. the fires caused an estimated $3 million damage some who knew them have mixed reaction. >> he would not speak to us i didn't know anything about him. >> feels frightening to know someone of this caliber, can cause something like this, i've seen the mother a few times she seemed like a lovely woman, you would never suspect.
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dorothy burkehardt is charged with 19 counts of fraud in frankfurt she was taken into custody after a request by germany. >> >> they want to bring her back to face the 19 counts of fraud filed against her. officials are checking to see if they were both living here illegally. >> at this point we have not been able to locate a visa record on either of these individuals, either original relatives or the suspect who was arrested. >> both are being held without bail. dorothy's court hearing is delayed until friday so she can hire an attorney in new york, aiynsley ear hart, fox news. it is 8:21 a.m. tucker tells me now it is 19 degrees. >> getting warmer. >> it is a wednesday morning i can tell you that. up next, update on top stories including the very close results from the iowa caucuses. >> later on, we are behind the scenes at the signature theaters production of hair spray the musical, stay with us we will check with annie later
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fox 5 morning news will be right back ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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8:24 a.m. time to get trees recycled dc
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workers busy turning used dried up christmas trees into mulch if you would like that to happen to your tree, put the tree and wreath on the curer for pick up remove all the decorations first don't put the trees or wreath in any bag they will be collected until january 14th. blast of cold weather and snow in some spots is welcome news for area ski resorts, bob barner has more now. >> reporter: this is what diehard snow boarders and skiiers have been waiting all winter to see and hear. it is all guns blazing at ski liberty. >> this is not been enough snow this season at all. >> reporter: our mild winter simply a drag for washington area snow lovers. >> pretty dispointing so far, usually by this time of year we get to go out two times by now, so first time i have been out all season. >> reporter: it is samantha's first time hitting the slopes this season as well >> i love warm weather in
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summer but winter i want it cold as possible the best weather for snow boarding. >> reporter: with low humidity and high temps at or below freezing it is game on. >> this is absolutely fantastic, what we've been waiting for all winter. >> reporter: ann is head of marketing for ski liberty resort they have been making snow since last thursday the mountain opened friday three weeks later than normal. >> when we are in the teens and 20s as we are now, we couldn't ask for anything better. >> reporter: it is not just ski resorts here in the washington region that are getting hammered by this mild winter, we are hearing an at the doe tally from california -- an at the dotely from california to northern new england. >> the only place with prime conditions is new mexico. when you see them making snow. >> this is great. walk up to the hill with a big
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smile on your face. about time. >> it is snowing. >> reporter: snow boarders brian and chris are heading up the mountain chris with his camera rolling as it was the other night, video posted on youtube. >> i enjoy it and enjoy making videos and everything like that. >> reporter: hoping the forecast for a late week warm up doesn't kill the buzz in pennsylvania, bob barner, fox 5 news. right now results of the iowa caucus is in what is close one it was, mitt romney takes first place by 8 votes, the numbers break down like this, mitt romney 30,015 votes, rick santorum, 30,007 votes this is the closest iowa contest since the modern caucuses started 30 years ago. >> meantime president barack obama trying to make sure the race for republican nomination doesn't get all the spotlight last night he reached out to democrats in iowa in a video
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conference thanking those who supported him four years ago he says despite their help a lot more work has to be done today he heads to cleveland to push his economic message and appeal to middle class voters. >> will apple unvail plans for ipad 3 later this month? growing speculation has some people hoping but wall street journal tech blog says it is simply a media announcement and another tech blog said it confirmed it will be about publishing and e books not any new ipad. >> didn't you just buy an ipad 2. >> i did. >> you can still be on top for a little while longer. >> funny how quickly it turns over. you got to be ready to buy the next thing. >> that is what i got. >> hey, not loving the cold it is really cold out there, overnight, the actual air temperature single digits, in spots. >> good news is, this is
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thecoldst it will be. >> for at least the next five days, temperatures will be above normal. >> like to hear that. so, definitely think warning here, bundle up if you head out, because -- >> need the whole face mask. >> yeah, i love that with the mask. let's get to the temperatures 19 now regan national, warming up gradually, believe it or not, a few hours ago we were 17 regan national our coldest morning yet this winter season, 16 gaithersburg. 20 quantico, southern maryland, not much relief for you, 18 leonard town, 19 closer to the bay annapolis and let's see hagerstown now, 13 martins burg earlier this morning 9 now 12 for you. all right good news winds will be lightning up during the course of the day, that said you have a bit of a wind chill feels like 11 in washington feels like 4 hagerstown. 19 frederiksburg winds will
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shift today they were out of the north and west very pronounced last couple days shifting out of the south and west and generally light. still cold today high temperatures will still only be in the low to mid-30s much of the area particularly north and west will still be below freezing this afternoon but should feel a little better than yesterday because the winds won't be quite as brisk, as we had around here last couple days warm front on the way this will move through later tonight, start to push in warmer temperatures during the day tomorrow when we are expecting highs mid-40s and eventually enough warm air will get this here we will top out 50s. and maybe some rain showers back in the forecast, by sunday, by late saturday night early sunday before our next cold front arrives generally, forecast not a bad one we should be dry next couple days, that warming trend begins later this afternoon 34 later today won't be as cold tonight, 29 your overnight low, 45 tomorrow and not so bad, friday and
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saturday back into the 50s. cool down and get more rain showers sunday. that is a look at the forecast, steve, alison back to you. >> thank you of course you heard the story about the park ranger killed on the west coast she was a wife, mother of two young daughters, sunday margaret ander son was shot and killed on the job if washington state she once worked in our area some of her former colleagues are sharing their memories now. >> reporter: if you ever hiked the billy goat trail or walked along the canal you may have encountered margaret ander son a mark ranger who loved helping people who shared her passion for the outdoors. lee, a ranger with more than two decades experience worked closely with anderson patrolling the canal. >> great falls area, potomac river gorge, gets a lot of visitation, and just being out there, to be public presence, keep people safe, to protect
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the resource, to just serve the public whether it was answering questions or someone had injured themselves, and they uld be the one to do it. >> reporter: she died sunday mount rainier national park when investigators say benjamin colten barnes shot her as he raced away from a ranger check point she had set up a roadblock, in hopes of stopping barnes. he was a suspect in a new years day shooting that left four people wounded. >> what i saw of her she was completely dedicated to the job, she never shied away from situations, and from work, i truly believe that she wanted to make this place a better place, for the public. >> barnes body was discovered in a frigid mountain creek where he died of exposure, barnes shot margaret anderson before she had a chance to defend herself or pull her
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weapon. >> she was an excellent officer, excellent human being, and my heart really goes out to her and to her husband eric and their two daughters. paul wagner, fox a news. according to investigators the suspected gunman, served in iraq and was discharged in 2009 the mother of his daughter says he was struggling from post traumatic stress disorder and suicidal. >> not just people taking over mcpherson square, rats are making that occupy dc camp their home also. health officials visited yesterday after receiving numerous cam plains about rodents they are expected -- complaints about rodents they are expected to inspect the kitchens tomorrow. time now 8:33 a.m. on wednesday morning. >> still ahead we will take a look at a new list out of the
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best diets out there. >> if you have ever seen these guys on the side of the road, wondered hey, what is the deal with all that, you are in luck. i am beth parker i will tell you all about it. coming up 
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looking for a job don't forget about our job shop today's job shop of the day looking for ir technologies, they pay between 80 and $125,000 a year. go to click on the job shop tab top of the home page. >> this job doesn't pay quite as well but looks like fun. >> it does. >> probably seen them on the street corner probably a good chance when you did see them you couldn't look away. >> a local company making money spreading messages, as beth parker shows us it takes a
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whole lot of energy. >> reporter: running,. >> 18, 19,. >> reporter: jumping jacks. >> down. >> reporter: push ups all in the bitter cold no, this isn't boot camp this is sign spinning practice. >> i cannot even tell you how many calories i burn but a lot. >> reporter: they are an advertising company started by a georgetown university student in 2001 his college roommate purchased a local franchise. >> you have a tv commercial, dvr i fast forward through it. commercial on one, blink next station every single time you were can't change the channel. >> you can avoid me see me smiling and waving you can't help it you have to look at me. >> reporter: no doubt you have seen them twirling around town. >> state farm, h and r block. >> reporter: they will tell you sign spinning is a sport. >> practice 2, 3 in the morning, make their own highlight videos. >> reporter: it isn't easy. >> i say this is one of the
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hardest things i have done in my life. >> reporter: they do drills. now i have to warn you that i am super uncoordinated. >> let go with the left, there you are. >> there you go. >> ah. >> there you are. >> all my years as a majorette paying off. >> am i hired? >> no, you need about five more practices. >> the smile, poise, wave, pay starts $10 an hour raises earned. >> if we catch them, dancing having a great time, it should be worth more money. i have random scars from the sign hitting me in the face. >> never let them see you sweat. >> virginia, beth parker fox 5 news. >> my question, in the signs themselves feels like they are weighted because of the way it flips over. >> that or just trained talent. >> they are doing a great job
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it is tough to look away when you see them on the side of the street. >> no. >> i always look. it is 8:39 a.m. coming up 8:40 a.m., everybody always looks for ways to save especially college students and parents. >> coming up next a new list of the best values, public colleges, annie good morning. >> good morning alison, the musical hair spray has not been in town for five years it is finally here at signature theatre, arlington virginia. we are hanging out with the cast this morning coming up, we are talking to, carolyn cole the main love story in the musical is between tracy and link. over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year
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with flu complications. lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill over 50 germs on surfaces. this includes cold and flu viruses. so we recommend using lysol every day.
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all right here is something we haven't seen yet this winter, much, snow on the ground this happened in winchester virginia last night. this picture was snapped there they got so much snow as we have been telling you school was cancelled today. welcome news for virginians effected by last summers east coast earthquake federal and state agencies are reopening
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the disaster recovery center in opening a new one to assist victims of the magnitude 5 .8 quake that centered in lieu wee is a county last august. both h open 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 7 days a week. the registration deadline is march 5th. elementary school students will resume classes in three modernized schools in montgomery county the projects were completed cannon road, garrett park and seven locks. montgomery county public school officials will gather to celebrate the completion 9:30 a.m. this morning. cost of four years at college can certainly be through the roof these days, kiplers outstanding colleges is
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out. unc chapel hill takes first place. here in our area, you versety college park takes 8th place and -- university college park takes 8th place and george mason. annie yu is getting a behind the scenes look at the award winning musical hair spray. >> she joins us from signature theatre, arlington virginia. good morning. >> reporter: hello alison and steve. that's right we are here at signature teeter it is a beautiful neat theatre -- theatre, excellent setting. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> thank you for joining us this morning i know you had a late show let me start with you link larken tell me about the love relationship in the musical. >> well, link larken is the
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budding elvis teen idol on the core knee corny collins show. when tracy comes on he is one of the first kids to come around to her and see her talent and charm and smile and just is floored by it. >> well, you are amazing in the show. >> thank you. >> carolyn what is it like working with patrick here. >> so difficult. easy and fun and charming. >> how many times have you guys rehearsed that kissing scene? >> oh,. >> i asked to rehearse it more she wouldn't do it >> nice very nice. >> let me go down here and ask my friend what is it like working in this theatre it is an intimate setting i like that. there is no bad seat in the house. >> that is the best part about it no matter where we are on stage we have people on three sides of us and you get a different show from all sides,
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and you really get to feel -- the audience can really experience everything going on, on stage as opposed to a huge space where facial expressions and that can get lost. >> you are catering to all three sides i should say, and the show is really demanding right? >> yeah. >> how many dances do you have to learn. >> oh, lord, a lot. too many. >> is it hard to get it down? how is the rehearsal process. >> well, it is not too hard because you know you learn it and just we go over and over it that day and focus on one thing a day i think the hardest thing for some of us to learn was the madson almost the easiest but just so many steps happening, you know we are not really spinning or anything. >> for that you have to come out and see the show you said the madson. >> yes. >> to my good friend down here i love you bow tie. >> thank you pretty fancy. >> the show is very demanding i
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think you were let out 10:00 p.m. last night how do you stay physically and mentally fit. >> most of us do different warm ups before the show to get ourselves ready and pumped up there is coffee and energy drink too you know to keep it throughout the show. >> your choice? >> i would have redbull. >> mine too. sugar free baby. i will get out of the way you will perform something for us take it away guys. ♪ [ music ]
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amazing voices and performers check them out here until january 29th, log on to for all details. back the you in studio. >> all right. >> we've got to get annie on stage. >> we have one more hour to go see her next hour. >> encouraging news if you fly you can soon expect fewer surprises when you buy that ticket starting january 26th all airlines will have to disclose all fees and taxes in their advertising that includes travel sites like expedia and orbitz where the actual price is often higher than what you
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see upfront. >> should we expect prices at the front to arrive early, 2012 tensions with iran are causing oil prices to spike the national average for gas is $3.28 a gallon the highest to start a year. time now 8:50 a.m. on wednesday morning next we will take a look at a new list some of the best diets out there. >> all right first we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day, she is from cull pepper virginia, she says she is one of our biggest fans if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day search us on facebook. then post a comment under hakesha -- lakesha's photo 
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that answers my question. thank you. you bet. wow. man: do your simple return with the turbotax federal free edition, and now get our free, one-on-one, get the federal free edition, at okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol.
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lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? if you are on your way to starbucks for a coffee fix, keep in mind the price of coffee is about to go up. the chain is hiking the cost of a tall drink by a dime, grandes will not go up, the tall
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smaller than the grande you may soon be getting the grande. because the small size will cost you more. prices are going up because of competition and higher cost for supplies like coffee beanfuel apparently that only applies to the small size. >> right. >> if you are trying to lose weight there is a new list out of the best diets out. u.s. news and world reports, enlisted the help of 22 diet and nutrition expertdetermined overall the best diet is the dash diet. this diet emphasizes healthy eating to lower blood pressure. second place to tlc diet, created by the national institute of health and not the singing group it is designed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when it comes to weight loss diets, weight watchers number one. i love that one personally the biggest loser diet, dash diet, jenny craig and raw food tied for number two and the volume
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metric diet rounds outnumber five. >> see the full list of diets including those for diabetics and the easy diets to follow go to click on web links. >> looking so good everybody. >> 8:55 a.m. on this wednesday morning, tony will be back after the break he will join alison to take you up to 10:00 a.m. >> coming up next hour, disconnecting from technology the growing trend of people wanting to escape from smart phones, ipads, e-mail how to strike a good balance staying connected and staying sane. stay with us. 
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thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59.
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people keep asking me if that is really my mother.mmercial they keep asking me if the dirty guy is really my son. huh -- what do you tell 'um? holy smokes, these viva towels really are tough, even when wet! [ mike ] for the record, that's my real father, cleaning up a real mess on a real grill. see? very impressive! you're a natural. oh that's much better... dad's got his tough mess, i've got mine. [ female announcer ] grab a roll and try it on your toughest mess. i think you got it.
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>> good morning i am alison >> close call in iowa, mitt seymour. romney comes out on top he is picking audio tape big endorsement today we will look at how all the republican
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presidential hopefuls placed. >> and embattled dc down till member harry -- councilmember harry thomas junior misses an important deadline. a man proposes to his girlfriend at a ucla game all caught on the jumbotron. >> fun. >> yeah, but you can say things didn't go as planned we will show you her reaction a little later. >> oh, man. >> okay. >> you can probably guess by our reaction. right. >> before we get to that, we want to turn our attention the tucker barnes mans it is cold tucker. >> you got that right tony. cold inside the office building here, in northwest washington our overnight temperatures back into the teens single digits in many spots, in for a slow warm up later today, generally good news forecast here, as we get gradually warmer over the next couple days, current


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